A reliable web hosting service offers the right amount of storage space and easy access to your data for your audience. It works like your website engine, driving your online presence and making sure it is available and functional at all times.
While free web hosting looks enticing at first, some cheap hosting providers mask free plans with several hidden costs that bring significant financial strain as your website grows. This is the reason why it is crucial to buy your hosting plans frm a reputed and trusted web host or service provider.
In this article, we will discuss the hidden cost of free web hosting that every website owner must be aware of.
Hidden Costs of Free Web Hosting
1. Rising Renewal Cost
Most web hosting plans come with affordable pricing. But when you go for free hosting, the web host knows that the no-cost solution will be exhausted soon. You will be trapped into paying for upgrades.
So, several web hosts offer quite affordable pricing at first, but then, during renewal, they raise their rates significantly. In this scenario, you are left with little choice regarding web hosting cost, i.e., whether to pay more or migrate.
Many web hosts, when they offer free web hosting services, don’t even mention the actual renewal cost on their pricing page.
2. A Gap in Monthly Vs Annual Fees
When you buy a web hosting plan after a free web hosting service, understand the gap between monthly and annual services. Most web hosts use this trick of masking costs on the webpage, then adding other costs and influencing the price later. They offer annual plans that are quite cheaper than the monthly web hosting plan.
3. Hyped Migration Cost
Web hosting cost of migration is the most manipulated hidden host of all costs you will come across. This cost differs from web host to web host. Several web hosts offer free migration, while some charge for the same.
Migration is a critical process, so having a paid backup for the same is important, which free web hosting lacks. So, when you go from free web hosting to paid one, you get caught off guard by unexpected migration costs.
Thus, ensure that you read the contract even if you opt for free web hosting services to avoid getting manipulated by such unexpected costs.
4. Non-Refundable Setup Fees
Not all web hosts are transparent when it comes to web hosting pricing. Several times, in addition to web hosting plans, several web hosts add setup fees. Many a time, they may even lure you by telling you that the cost is waived exclusively for you.
In a normal scenario, this wouldn’t be a problem. However, when you opt for a free web hosting service, getting the cost refunded will be another issue.
Though free web hosting services are quite tempting, they come with several hidden web hosting costs. To avoid getting scammed, understand what your web host is offering when you opt for a free web hosting service.
Read the contract carefully and look for costs like renewal, migration, monthly vs annual, etc. Moreover, always go for the best web hosting provider in terms of reputation reviews and ensure you get value for the money you pay.